Mantra Meditation For Beginners

Mantra Meditation
Manta meditation for beginners.
Mantra Meditation is another best Meditation  for beginners it is easy to do Mantra or Mantar is Sanskrit word means (A word) or man means (Mind) tra means (Release).
This Meditation i myself found easy to do when i was a beginner in Spirituality .
All Meditation has same goal to reach One Pointedness and Samadhi.

In this Meditation you have to Choose a normal word or a Sacred one.  the word which has no image for example i say Jesus or Krishna when i Chant the name i see image in my Mind , image of Jesus or Krishna that peoples have Shared in the internet or paintings etc..

Now our goal is to gain or reach high level of focus or it is Called One Pointedness and Samadhi when Chanting if you want you can just think of that holy being not to see the images in Mind because images or painting are humans hand made.
you Can Chant other sacred names like HU,OM etc..

Mantra Meditation For Beginners

Mantra Meditation for beginners..
  •  Pick a nice Comfortable Spot. it can be your room or Somewhere else.
  •  Now put away all of your distractions like your phone,laptop and other electronic devices.
  • Sit down on the floor or Chair remember your Back Position Should be Straight and Comfortable .
  • Take a few Deep breaths to Settle down and Slow down your brain activity a bit.
  • Take In breath .... Hold for 5 Sec..... And take out breath or exhale. do these deep breaths for 5 to 10 times, When you done it Come to Next Step.
  • Close your eyes Chant the name or a Sacred word with full Concentration,Focus Such as  HU,OM Chant Slowly not Loudly.
  • Chant Huu Or Ommm don't Concentrate to your Breathing. Concentration on Chanting. 
  • These sacred words are names of God. you Can Chant these or whatever word, name you like.
  •  When Chanting feel the vibration energy in your Soul
  •  Do this meditation for 5 min or 10 or prolong it if you want.
Mantra Meditation Experiences

(I myself when i was young beginner i developed a best Advanced Mantra Meditation (My Advanced Meditation) that took me in the very deep Meditative State, Some times i did not felt my body, Sometimes i felt huge energy vibration buzzing in my heart (Spiritual Heart) Sometimes i get very emotional and Sometimes i saw visions.
I have Shared that Advanced Meditation in another article you Should read that.

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Spiritual Guide

Hi There,My Name Is Abdul Kareem There was a time in the past when my life totally changed.I decided that I would spend my life learning and Practicing spirituality. From then I started Meditation and entered in Spirituality۔ I was deeply influenced by Sufism in Spirituality. I,am Now Teaching Peoples about Meditation,Visualization,Lucid Dreaming,Astral Travel,and Occult Sciences. I am Sharing ancient Techniques with them .the exercises and meditations that I Did myself.

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