Black Dot Gazing Meditation

 Dose To Spirituality Best Gazing Meditation.
These are Many Gazing Meditation such as Candle gazing,Moon gazing,sun gazing etc...

But this one is best Quite easy and helps to Stop the Monkey Mind Chattering and helps to Get one Pointedness. Which Is Important For Meditation and Spirituality. 

The Science Behind Gazing Meditation.
When we gaze on something with full Concentration that causes some kinds of tension in Pituitary Gland. and then Pineal Gland becomes activate.  
When we Gaze our Mind get sleeps and we enter in trance state.
Our Conscious Mind Sleeps and Subconscious Mind wakes Up without becoming Unaware Subconscious Mind arises with his Full Power.
 We Start to Experience the Subconscious activity and start to receive information through beyond five Senses Such as ESP (Extra Sensory Perception)Visions,Predictive,Inspirations etc..  
With Meditation We Can also Experience these But in Deep Meditative State. 
With Gazing Meditation We Can Increase the Concentration Power And One Pointedness State Fast.

Take a Simple white paper 13x17 size,Or Any Paper Size.  now make a coin size Dot shape in the middle of the paper fill it with black ink . I mean make the coin Shape totally black.

Gazing Meditation

Preparation for Gazing Meditation.
  • Choose a Place where you can do this particular Meditation. your room is perfect if you have, otherwise choose a comfortable place for this.A Place Where No One Disturb you For Some Time. 
  • Now Stick this paper to the wall or something in front of you, the Paper should be straight so you can see it without any neck tension. the bulb light in the room where you sit should be dim light, not bright enough.
How To Do Gazing Meditation.
  • When Meditating Make sure you got enough sleep,Lack of sleep makes it difficult to gaze .when we gaze our eyes get tired.
  • Sit down on the floor and Now gaze in the middle of the Paper Black Dot, your eyes should not blink.
  • Gaze Straight during Meditation thoughts will distract you don't Worry thoughts come and go.
  • When your focus Shifts to something,bring it back to Meditation,don't force your eyes to gaze.
  • After 1 min or so your eyes start tearing And it will be difficult to keep your eyes open. don't worry when your eyes closed open them and gaze again (One day you will gaze for 1 hour without any problem it comes with daily practice)
  • Do this Meditation for 5 min at the beginning, increase the time after 2 days such as at the beginning you did it for 5 min, after two days do this  7 min and increase the time like that. when you reach 1 hour now don't need to increase the time .
  • After Meditation wash your eyes with Cold water.
Symptoms to Experience During this Meditation.

At the beginning you will see the back dot with different's will Experience The Black Dot sometimes disappears and reappears.
(I think in my view when it disappears your Mind become focused in one thought and become empty of thoughts).

After some days,weeks you will Start to see light around the black dot. 
Day by day this light will increase and one day this dot will becomes completely bright, at that time some peoples actually see visions. this is amazing sign.

There are many many benefits of this amazing Meditation۔
Some of them are 
  • This Is Actually Mesmerism Exercise, When you do this you will feel Amazing Magnetism and Shine in your eyes. (when you gaze stare Someone's eyes they will not look at you back, because of eyes Magnetism. this is power of Mesmerism).
  • Your Mind become Quiet and Clear.
  • You will achieve one Pointedness Sharp focus.
  • Your will power increases so much.
  • Your Confidence level and patience increase so much.
  • When you will Meditate you will feel yourself deeply immersed in Meditation.

Note: if your Feel Headache during this Meditation or you have eyes Related Problem,then Avoid this Meditation.
If your wear glasses you can do this Meditation. This Meditation Sharpens the Eyesight, it actually increase the power of the Mind and Cure Mental Weakness, Sharp your Mind,increase the Memory Power.

Avoid Spicy foods, such as fast foods etc.. Avoid meat and fried foods,if meat is your daily diet , you can eat meat in a week or three days. Include Green Vegetables in you Diet.
Quit your bad habits,Lying,Abuses,Sexual Desires,and others..they are not good For Spirituality.
There Is Spirituality (If You Want Spirituality law,Eat Less,Sleep Less,Talk Less.
If you Want To Ask Me Anything Here is My Email

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Spiritual Guide

Hi There,My Name Is Abdul Kareem There was a time in the past when my life totally changed.I decided that I would spend my life learning and Practicing spirituality. From then I started Meditation and entered in Spirituality۔ I was deeply influenced by Sufism in Spirituality. I,am Now Teaching Peoples about Meditation,Visualization,Lucid Dreaming,Astral Travel,and Occult Sciences. I am Sharing ancient Techniques with them .the exercises and meditations that I Did myself.

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