Astral Travel (Astral Body)

 Astral Travel (Astral Projection) 
OBE (Out of Body Experiences)

Astral body is the sudtle body, made of energies of soul.The human Astral body (also called the energy body) is the subtle body most closely related to and enmeshed within the physical body. Astral body is mixture of ego self,consciousness. 

Some people call it soul,spirit.The spirit is much more sudtle than astral body, and their speed is much more fastest than astral body. You can say astral body is vehicle of the spirit,soul

The human spirit is pure consciousness. Soul is direct connected to the One Consciousness,One Supreme,One God.

Where is Astral body located.

Astral body is located in every,muscle,flesh,in every cell of your body.

Astral body  is sudtle and can travel beyond time and space .The three types of the matter have no effect on the astral body. Astral body can go through Solid,liquid,gas things.Astral body can go thourgh walls,in down earth, The Astral Body can go to a very hot place like the sun and to a cold place like the moon.

Time also has no effect on the soul.One minute of the physical body can be hours of Astral Body.

When the physical body fall asleep, mind enters an altered state of consciousness.A level of the trance state. when you loose awareness at the edge of sleep, the astral body starts to separate from the physical body and travels to other realms,dimensions .Whatever you see,experience, people call it dreams.

The electro magnetic field around us is called aura . What kind of the people is ? His aura is the reflection of his personality.  If the person is bad manner,then his aura or astral body is weak and full of Spots black spots, these spot can be seen by spiritual eye.

Whose astral body is pure and he may experiences more realms,dimensions  and sometimes he gets near to the higher dimensions . he sometimes see experiences future events and meet spirits,master,angels. This is we call true dreams, we cant remember our dreams ,
because we becomes unaware when the astral body separate.

After awakening, we remember only faints memories of the dreams. It is not necessary to astral travel every time you sleep. For some reason astral travel can't be done .

 1:- The first reason may be that, when you have eaten big meal and you asleep, all your energy is now used in digesting the food.

2:- Sometimes when you feel tired enough and asleep . And sometimes you may feel fatigue and pain in the body parts. Then the energy used in healing your body .
There could be many more reasons.In above conditions you asleep very deep.

Lucid dreaming and astral projection can be done in REM phases i think .REM phase is when you body asleep and mind becomes active, and when you close your eyes you starts to see colors,flashes,images,scenes or dreams lets behind your closed eyes or in minds eye .

If a person is pure, has good morals, then his astral body is strong. The more false and sinful a man is, the weaker his astral body will be. The more people will stay away from him and people will not like to sit next to him.

On the other hand, the soul and astral body of a virtuous man, good character man is strong enough. People like to sit next to him and talk. People are drawn or attracted to him.

Peoples Auras, astral body can be seen with the Spiritual eye. A man's aura recognizes another aura's  and  influenced by it. That's why good people like to sit and talk with good peoples.

The souls, Auras of the prophets and saints, sages  are very powerful.And their auras luminaries spreads far and wide.They are surrounded by a bright, luminaries auras.

People attract to them .The worries, troubles of the peoples go away. patients get relief and people from far away are also affected by them. Prophets Like Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad (Peace be upon them).

The secret of spirituality is One-Pointedness. Saints, sages can astral travel with eyes open, within minutes, because they have very powerful one-pointedness Focus. We can increase our focus with exercises and gazing Practises. with practises,exercises anyone can learn Astral travel (Astral Projection).

Spiritual Guide

Hi There,My Name Is Abdul Kareem There was a time in the past when my life totally changed.I decided that I would spend my life learning and Practicing spirituality. From then I started Meditation and entered in Spirituality۔ I was deeply influenced by Sufism in Spirituality. I,am Now Teaching Peoples about Meditation,Visualization,Lucid Dreaming,Astral Travel,and Occult Sciences. I am Sharing ancient Techniques with them .the exercises and meditations that I Did myself.

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