Meditation For Stress And Depression

 Meditation For Stress And Depression 

Meditation for Anxiety
Meditation for Stress
Meditation for Depression
Meditation for Stress

Who will be the one, who will not have problems in his life. Everyone has different kinds for problems in his life, so about that problem different kinds of thoughts arise in our Minds all the day, which bothers us and these Problems causes for Stress,Anxiety,Depression. If that stress level remains for long time, this can cause different kinds of Diseases.

What is the solution for this well "Meditation"

Through meditation we can reduce stress,depression and anxiety and calm our mind, body and soul

Here i have shared best Meditation for Anxiety, stress and depression. 

For The best results do this meditation two times in a day.

How To Meditate 

  • Choose a comfortable place where you can meditate a place where no one disturb you for some time.
  • Put away all your distraction like phone,laptop etc..
  • Sit down on the floor or bed, whatever position you choose, position should be comfortable.
  • You can also listen a calm relaxful music when you meditate.
  • Close your eyes now inhale through your nose...when taking In-Breath imagine and feel white bright light enters in your body through nose, hold you breath for 5 sec.. When Holding Your Breath Imagine and feel this white Clearing all of your Stress,Tension,Depression etc..after 5 Sec exhale through your mouth and when Exhaling  Imagine and Feel your Tension,Depression going out of your mouth All the Stress,Depression goes away from you.
  • You Are Now Stress Free (Maybe it seems don't working at the beginning after 5, 10 min or So You will Feel the results).
  • You can also give Affirmation to yourself while exhaling and imagining , Such as : when exhaling say in Mind (All of my Stress,Depression goes away from me ,I am now tension free etc..)
  • Do this 30 times or More if you want.
Do this Meditation 2 Times In a Day.

 This is a great Meditation to relieve Stress and Depression.

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Spiritual Guide

Hi There,My Name Is Abdul Kareem There was a time in the past when my life totally changed.I decided that I would spend my life learning and Practicing spirituality. From then I started Meditation and entered in Spirituality۔ I was deeply influenced by Sufism in Spirituality. I,am Now Teaching Peoples about Meditation,Visualization,Lucid Dreaming,Astral Travel,and Occult Sciences. I am Sharing ancient Techniques with them .the exercises and meditations that I Did myself.

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