Progressive Relaxation Meditation

 Progressive Relaxation Technique

( Progressive Relaxation Meditation )

Progressive relaxation Meditation is the Famous Muscle Relaxation technique. this technique is best for Releasing tensions from body,Muscles.
this technique is also best for entering in the trance state of Mind. This is also called Self Hypnosis And Using This Technique You Can Induce Deep Hypnosis State. this Technique Can be Done While Lying, Or it can be done lying on the sofa with legs Straight.

Progressive Relaxation Technique works fast with giving affirmations to Yourself Such as My foot is tension free, My foot is Relaxed and My State of Relaxation Deepening as i am breathing etc..  
We give  affirmation to every Muscle in Our body for 5 times. I have covered this Technique with full details. This is How I do It Personally. 
If you did it My Way at the end you will feel yourself in Very deep trance state i Guaranty.

Progressive muscle relaxation meditation

How to Perform Progressive Relaxation

  •  Lie down on the bed now remember bed should be comfortable because we Spend here about 30 min to 1 hour.
(Those who fall asleep easily in minutes they achieve deep state quickly. But those people who fall asleep in minutes 20 30 etc.. they can take time. We release all of tensions from our body so it works for everyone).
  • Lie down on bed straight palms facing up or down does not matter.
  • Take Some deeps breaths it actually helps quite a lot so (when we relax or Meditate Mind doesn't bother so much but without it, it take time to go in deep states).
  • After taking Some deep breaths Close your eyes relax inhale through nose  exhale through mouth concentrate on inhalations and exhalations.
  • Feel how your Chest and belly expand when you inhale and Fell how your chest Comes down when you exhale . Be aware of the breathing after 2 min come to next step.
  • Concentrate to your left foot release the tension from your foot by giving affirmations ,You Can also imagine the tension as Black or red smoky thing imagine as tension going away from your body etc.. 
  • Give the Affirmation such as: i am releasing the tension from my left foot, i have relaxed my left foot, it is now tension free and relaxed, say in mind Repeat each affirmation twice.
  • Now concentrate focus on your left Shin,Calf  feel the tension, feel the heaviness there In Shin and Calf area Affirm say in Mind .
  • I'am releasing the tension from my left leg,shin. My left leg is Relaxed i have Released the tension from left leg,shin,calf it is now tension free and Relaxed .
  • My Left leg is entering in the deep state of relaxation.. deep and deeper.
  • When affirming feel the tension feel you are Releasing  the tension as you affirming  when you feel your left leg is now tension free and relaxed .come to the next step.
  • Now Concentrate on your left knee. feel the tension in that knee area, Check and feel any tingling,tickling sensation, feel the heaviness affirm yourself in Mind.
  • I'am releasing the tension from my left knee,  My left Knee is relaxed, i have released the tension from the left Knee it is now tension free,I have Send it even deeper state of Relaxation. 
  • Concentrate on your left thigh feel the heaviness,feel if any tension is there,
  • Affirm yourself in mind 2 times each affirmation
  •  I'am releasing the tension from, My left thigh my left thigh is relaxed, I have released the tension from left leg, it is now tension free and going in deeper even deeper.
  • Do the exact same to your Right leg...give the Same Affirmation to the right Left you can also imagine if you want. But we imagine rest of the areas later.  
  • (Some peoples actually feel more than the other leg. I myself feel left leg more than the right leg).
  • Concentrate on your belly area feel the tension,heaviness, or any sensation if you are feeling.
  • Feel the whole belly area . If you have eaten something feel this in your Stomach area. Spend some time in this area affirm yourself 
  • I'am releasing the tension from my belly. My belly is relaxed, i have released the tension from the belly, It is now tension free, My belly is relaxing more and more.
  • You can also imagine a white or yellow bright light in belly area or a bit down to the Root Energy Center.  it helps to deepen your state and also it balance your root energy center. 
  • I suggest take help with imagination when affirming imagine the white or yellow bright light coming from the sky and entering in your belly or root energy center area and the bright  yellow light glowing,brightening more and more.Fill the Whole area with this yellow bright light.
  • Now concentrate on your chest area on your right and left side . feel the heaviness as a light heavy object is placed on your chest. feel the tension and affirm yourself with imagining or imagine after giving affirmations.
  • I'am releasing the tension from my chest. My chest is relaxed.the state of relaxation is getting deeper and more deeper.I have relaxed my chest fully. 
  • Concentrate on your Left Arm,Feel the heaviness in the arm Affirm yourself
  • I'am Releasing all the tension from my left Arm,My left arm is entering in the deep state of relaxation, My arm is fully relaxed now .
  • Do the same with your right arm give the same don't need to imagine here but if you want you can imagine. 
  • Concentrate on your neck area (neck and the jaws are the areas where the body tension is much more, so spend some time here.
  • Give affirmations yourself I'am releasing all the tension from my neck area. My neck is relaxing more and more as i breathing my neck is entering in the deeper state of relaxation. My neck is relaxed fully. My neck is tension free now..
  • Now concentrate on your whole face area your jaws,nose,eyes, etc.. Take your time relax your eyes more give the same affirmations and imagine the yellow bright light is entering in your face and your face is filled with yellow light feel the warmth, feel the sensation.
  • Now concentrate on your main parts Your Spiritual Eye energy center and the Crown Energy Center (i myself basically spend more time here ) Get the help with imagination. imagine the white bright light or yellow is good actually. Imagine the Yellow bright light is entering in your spiritual eye. feel the sensation . see if you are  feeling any pressure in your Spiritual Eye.  
  • Immerse your self , forget about your body mind etc.. 
  • Do the Same to the Crown Energy Center (the top of your head) .
Problems You May Experience

(When imagining your mind maybe start to question,think
 Where from the light comes i should see the Sky Cosmic etc..  Don't wander here  focus on just light .
Your mind may think what light should i imagine ? 
Doesn't matter just imagine what light comes in your mind doesn't matter.
Imagine the light as bright start light if you can or take the idea from this image.

Progressive Relaxation Technique

Progressive Relaxation Meditation Benefits

Now there are no limits benefits with this technique.
1: Progressive Relaxation Meditation is best for any purpose,Self hypnosis,Mind programming etc.. 
2: You can use this meditation to enter in the deep trance.
3: Progressive Relaxation Meditation can be used for law of attraction for your goal for success etc..
4: Progressive Relaxation Meditation can be used for healing the body ( relax deeply first then imagine the yellow light over there where you have problem.(headache,tension,depression,injury,wounds or even diseases)
5: You can use Progressive Relaxation Meditation for sleep.

Frequently asked Question

1: what is progressive relaxation meditation?
progressive relaxation meditation is the muscle relaxation meditation. Through this meditation we release all the tensions from the body,muscles and relax the mind.

2: Is progressive muscle relaxation a form of meditation ?
this is actually a relaxation meditation works same as like meditation .

3: Does progressive muscle relaxation work ?
yes of-Course it works pretty good and there are lot of benefits of this meditation. 

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Spiritual Guide

Hi There,My Name Is Abdul Kareem There was a time in the past when my life totally changed.I decided that I would spend my life learning and Practicing spirituality. From then I started Meditation and entered in Spirituality۔ I was deeply influenced by Sufism in Spirituality. I,am Now Teaching Peoples about Meditation,Visualization,Lucid Dreaming,Astral Travel,and Occult Sciences. I am Sharing ancient Techniques with them .the exercises and meditations that I Did myself.

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