What is Lucid Dream ?

What is lucid dreams

 What is Lucid Dreaming ?

Becoming aware in the dream,aware of the surroundings,environment,and knowing it is all a dream.
We spend third of our life in the sleep, dreams. We are unaware of ourselves unaware of outside environment. We experience everything in unawareness.

When we asleep our conscious mind sleeps, and the subconscious mind arises with all of his power. Even when we are awake, the subconscious remains awake but we do not experience the activity of subconscious mind.

When we sleep we experience strange and wonderful dreams on the screen of the mind's eye. we see flying horses with big wings. Sometimes we see a beautiful world like heaven where there are palaces made of beautiful jewels . Where the birds are seems talking to you or the Fantasy world where mountains seems to fly or movies characters seem to talk to you. 
Nothing is Impossible for Subconscious Mind. Subconscious mind works beyond time and space .

What if you learn to become aware in your dreams, what you can do then
Fly like Superman,you can create your own fairy world, Paradise with beautiful gardens where there are flowers everywhere, where streams of milk flow, where birds,animals talk. 
What is impossible here With Lucid dreams you can astral travel, you can talk to your mind, you can heal your injuries, you can know about your passions etc..
You can meet spirits, masters for the spiritual growth.

Some peoples experience lucid dreams when they read about it. This is their good luck.
Sleep Stages

As we sleep our brain go through certain stages . First our brain experience Non-REM stages (Non Rapid Eye Movement) and then REM stage.
During  the REM stage our eyes moves fast right,left,up down, etc.. (Because we are experiencing the dreams).
Non-REM Sleep Stages

There are three phases ,stages of Non-REM sleep. Each phase, stage lasts 5 to 15 minutes. You go through all three phases and then REM sleep starts.

Stage 1: Your eyes closed, your body is relaxed a bit, but easy to wake you up in this stage. This stage last for 5 to 10 minutes.
Stage 2: This is light sleep stage. Your heart rate slowly and your body temperature may drops. Your body is relaxed a bit. Your body is ready now for the deep sleep. This  stage last for 10 to 25 minutes.
Stages 3: This is the deep sleep stage. Your body and mind is in the deeper sleep. Now it's hard to wake up during this stage, and if someone woke you up, you would feel disoriented for a few minutes.
REM Sleep Stages
REM(Rapid Eye Movement) sleep happens 90 minutes after falling asleep. The first period of REM state lasts 10 minutes. Each of later REM stages then gets longer, and the final one stage may last longer up to an hour. In this stage Your heart rate and breathing quickens.
You can have intense dreams during REM sleep, Because your brain becomes more active. And we become aware in the REM stage.

Lucid Dreams Benefits.

If i say lucid dreaming has more benefits than meditation . Of-Course meditation has amazing benefits, but it take time to experience them Month's Sometimes It take years. this happens when you learned to become fully aware in your dreams.

We experience deep meditative state i
n meditation. but in lucid dreams we experience very deep states in less time. 
If you can experience lucid dreams every night, believe me then you can use it for your spiritual growth.
When we experience lucid dreams that, lucid dreaming stage is very deep stage. Because we immersed and engrossed in the dreams, we forget our bodies,mind. Then we experience everything with astral body and that is amazing ! 

1: You can get direct guidance from the master,spirits (for that you should be pretty good at lucid dreams).
2: You can meet the souls of your deceased loved ones. 
3: You can heal physical  or mental Issues,diseases .
4: You can reduce nightmares and trigger them into lucid dreams.
5: You can use lucid dreams for your success,goals,confidence.
6: You can astral travel in lucid dreams
7: You can change your habits,program you mind (lucid dreams stage is very deeply than trance,hypnosis)
8: You can make your skills better with lucid dreams.

Frequently Asked Questions

What lucid dreams like ?
Lucid dreams are the dreams in where we become aware dreams . 
lucid dreams are vivid dreams feel so real.
When do lucid dreams happen ?
Lucid dreams can be experienced during REM sleep stages. 
Why do lucid dreams feel so real ?
In REM our mind becomes active we experience vivid dreams.  Sometime when we become aware in dreams, hard to believe that we are dreaming, we loose awareness because of so real experience.
What causes lucid dreams ?
With Correct techniques,discipline we can experience lucid dreams. 
Can lucid dream come true ?
No lucid dreams are dreams in which we become aware and can control our environment, we use lucid dreams for positive purposes.
Is lucid dreams dangerous ?
Not at all, you will get benefits no harms. 
Can lucid dreams be scary ?
No, lucid dreams are amazing and wonderful experience, not scary.
How to lucid dream for the first time ?  
Try WBTB method it is easiest technique for the beginners All the Technique Link
How to lucid dream every night ?
well,with practise and making habbit of reality testing you can really lucid dream every night Reality Checks
How to know you are lucid dreaming ?
lucid dreams and the normal dreams are the same but in lucid dreams you become aware of that you are dreaming, everything is just a part of the dream, it is all a dream. and that awareness gives you power to do anything, impossible things etc..
Is lucid dream worth it ?
Yes, learning to lucid dream is worth it skill. What is the thing that you can't do in the lucid dream and there are lot of benefits of the lucid dreams.
Ask the questions email me 

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Spiritual Guide

Hi There,My Name Is Abdul Kareem There was a time in the past when my life totally changed.I decided that I would spend my life learning and Practicing spirituality. From then I started Meditation and entered in Spirituality۔ I was deeply influenced by Sufism in Spirituality. I,am Now Teaching Peoples about Meditation,Visualization,Lucid Dreaming,Astral Travel,and Occult Sciences. I am Sharing ancient Techniques with them .the exercises and meditations that I Did myself.

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