What is Trance and its levels

trance state of mind

What is Trance
 Trance is deep meditative state a state entered when the physical body goes to sleep while the mind stays awake,it is called altered state of consciousness too.
Trance State Brain Waves 
When trance starts the frequency of brain waves changes Alpha to theta and Delta,The lower the mental activity, the deeper the trance level.
When a tired person falls asleep, he feels the symptoms of trance even when he sleeps.
What does a trance state feel like
Trance is a delightfully blissful,relaxing, comfortable, and stress free state,
While falling asleep you will feel, if you observe, You will feel body heaviness,warm and coldness and your thoughts become silly and meaningless. 
This happens right on the borderline of sleep, just before you lose your awareness and fall into sleep. The heavy body sensation and vibrations is the sign that you have entered the trance state. 

How to meditate and go into trance ?
If you use the breath awareness meditation (Mindfulness Meditation) while falling asleep, Or Progressive Relaxation Method you can induce trance too.

Trance States (Levels Of Trance)
1: Light Trance
Light trance is the first level of trance,it is the first state and you feel these signs in your body slightly.
When relaxing, you feel your physical body starts feeling warm, and cozy, Your eyelids suddenly feel heavy.

A mild wave of heaviness and warmth flows over you. You may have some slight difficulty focusing on your thoughts, Patterns of light and colors (Hypnagogic Imagery) are seen occasionally during the light trance state.

In light trance state you will feel these Symptoms mildly,Your whole-body feeling of warm comfortable fuzziness and a slight dissociation from the physical body and the environment.
Time appears to slow down a little, sounds appear to be slightly louder. With this light trance internal mental clarity can be attained, Most beginners achieve this light trance in early light meditation.
This level of trance, while easily held, easily broken. Physical movement, even walking and talking, must be slow and deliberate to hold the light-trance state.

2: Medium Full Trance
The symptoms of full-trance state are same as light trance, but trance sensations become more pronounced.

When more relaxing you will feel wave of bodily heaviness and slight falling sensation. This comes very quickly, feels as like a warm, heavy wave flowing through you.
Many beginners lost their awareness and fall asleep here, Concentration and mental focus are needed at this point to stop the mind from sleep. 
Your sense of time changes,You become dissociated from your physical body and the environment. When you enter the Medium trance state, the sense of the environment changes.the room around you feels as if it has suddenly become too big, too thick and too empty..
You loose sense that which side your feet or face are, on the north,west etc.
Background sounds take on a muffled, faraway quality, You may feel a muffled, bone deep tickling sensation in your arms and legs, if you move them to ease your physical body during trance, it feel similar to when an arm or leg falls asleep, but not at all painful. 
Some physical movement is still possible, but takes more effort and feels like it's happening in slow motion. Sharp sounds cause an uncomfortable sensation in the stomach and solar plexus energy center that can feel almost like a physical blow if you allow yourself to react to it.
If you do not concentrate and stay focused, you will tend toward fantasizing.
if you want to enter deep trance, you need to concentrate, through holding your mind awake without allowing yourself to tense up physically or mentally. HI (Hypnagogic imagery) is seen in the mind's eye, also visions. 
Now here REM (rapid eye movement) activity starts sporadically; you will see images,scenes in your minds eye. This is sign of sleep, it means your body mind has fallen asleep, and is now dreaming. 

REM state comes between medium trance and deep trance state if you want to enter even deeper trance state, Ignore REM as best you can if it starts.
Focus on anything single minded. It normally comes and goes in bouts of a few minutes each, sometimes longer, and slight physical activity is usually cause to stop REM and shut down the dream mind too.
 As you gain ability and experience,the ability to put yourself into a full trance is quite difficult for beginners. like most developed abilities,With regular practice you can reach the deep state quickly.

3: Full Deep Trance
Deep trance symptoms are the same as the full trance state, but became more pronounced, as you fall into a deeper level of trance. 
There are many strange sensations you might feel when you are in deep trance, you might feel coldness in whole body and feel falling sensation,these are common.
 It is very difficult to get into the deep trance state, at the beginning . the symptoms associated with deep trance state are so strong that they can be frightening if you do not know what is happening. 
If you feel that you might be going too deep, simply feel yourself moving , moving your head, mouth, fingers, and toes, upward slowly, this will progressively restoring movement to your body until you come out from the trance completely.
 If movement is extremely difficult, or if you feel totally paralyzed, In this case, concentrate on moving a single big toe or fingers.it will end paralysis.

Trance Benefits
  1. Through trance State you can reprogram your subconscious mind exp: Changing habits etc.
  2. It is amazing and effective state for law of attraction, manifesting your desires.
  3. Through Trance you can heal yourself physically and mentally.
  4. Trance is best state for creativity (In trance two of you Brain Hemispheres Starts Working together ).
  5. Through trance you can induce lucid dreams easily.
  6. through trance Out of body Experience Induced easily .
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Most Frequently Asked Questions

1: Does meditation put you in a trance?
yes if you do Mindfulness Meditation you can enter in trance .

2: How to trance meditation ?
You can enter In trance through Mindfulness Meditation or through trance techniques

3: how to get into a meditative trance ?
Doing Mindfulness Meditation single Minded without getting asleep you can enter in Trance. 

Spiritual Guide

Hi There,My Name Is Abdul Kareem There was a time in the past when my life totally changed.I decided that I would spend my life learning and Practicing spirituality. From then I started Meditation and entered in Spirituality۔ I was deeply influenced by Sufism in Spirituality. I,am Now Teaching Peoples about Meditation,Visualization,Lucid Dreaming,Astral Travel,and Occult Sciences. I am Sharing ancient Techniques with them .the exercises and meditations that I Did myself.

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