Best Visualization Exercises

 Visualization techniques. 

Visualization best Practices

Visualization Exercises 

Visualization is the best and rare ability. if a person can hold an image in his Mind's eye for 1 min, that man called SupernaturalPeoples with that ability can induce deep meditative states and ecstasy states easily.

Peoples with that ability can create amazing fantasies in their mind's eye. 

  Most peoples face two kinds of problems. 

1: Some people see images in mind's eye but can't hold them images fades so fast in seconds.

2: Some peoples don't see anything at all,when they try to imagine they see just blackness well it is called (aphantasia)

It is not problem, through exercises you can bring back your lost ability, every school age child is a good visualizer and has vivid imagination or mind's eye. but as we grow younger we become immerse in the technological environment. We forget this ability and do not use it at all.

When we were kids. how we were create fantasies in ourmind, ( I was actually wanted a power like spider man so i was imagining it in my mind all the time).

You can get back your ability, now i don't tell you, you can get it back just in few days or so.
It can take time, you need daily practice and patience.

If you use my methods Chances are it take less time.

i have shared 5 best exercises for mind's eye visualization.

I have actually posted a article where i shared a trance meditation techniques you can induce trance and then give affirmation to yourself for best results. i highly suggest that Trance Techniques. Affirmations are given in the trance Article. 
(Trance is miraculous state. A state when our conscious mind asleep and our subconscious mind awake and aware to listen us) 
Here is the article with best methods. Best Trance Techniques

Before you read about visualization techniques, do a experiment with yourself to check the ability.

  • Close your eyes imagine, Imagine any one of your relatives or you best friend do it, did you saw anything image of your best friend in your Mind'eye. 
  • Now imagine again this time imagine opposite gender your loved one or a celebrity... did you saw anything...

 Hurrah your ability comes back just joking... How can you say you don't see anything. Some people can imagine opposite gender easily.

Now come to the topic here are the best methods that i found very helpful .

In the first method we have to Watch at the Sky first and recall that exact image of that Sky in Mind, now why Sky two reasons. 

1: Visualizing the blue Sky is Simple and easy to imagine. 

2: It helps to clear the fog of your mind. 

Visualization best Practices

Exercise 1 (Blue Sky)

  • Take a simple thing flower or anything, or go to Somewhere where you can see Sky (I suggest Blue Sky method )
  • Just look at somewhere straight in the Sky, watch observe after 1 min, close your eyes try to recall the exact image of sky.
  • When image of sky fades away open your eyes look it again and after 1 min close your eyes recall again you have to do that meditation for 10 min. 
  • Try to visualize the sky through the first person perspective point of view (imagining and seeing as through your eyes).
  • Some peoples can visualize with third person point of view (Seeing as a third person as seeing a person that is  watching TV ) easily than first person view.
  • Our subconscious mind react to the first person perspective view very quickly .

Visualization techniques

  Exercise 2 (The Moon Method)
This is another Best method a bit hard but best, this method is done when the moon is in full shape .
  • Go somewhere where you see moon vividly 
  • Loot at the moon for 1 min Observe, remember every detail of the moon,the scars every single detail take your time. 
  • When you are done now close your eyes recall the Moon image as you still looking at the moon see the every detail of the moon that you saw before . 
  • When image fades open eyes and try again
Bonus tip (When watching at the moon, move eyes slowly to remember every detail don't stare straight, and when imagining try to see as the moon moving slowly slowly or clouds passing to the moon slowly). 
Visualization Exercises

 Exercise 3 (Favorite Dish)
This exercise is simple and easy to do. 
  • Close your eyes try to imagine your favorite food,Imagine that your favorite dish is lying on a table in front of are taking the plate smelling it and eating.
think of everything about it  how hot it is,What does it taste like everything.
  • Or Imagine a yellow lemon in your hand see the texture of it,feel the smoothness and now cut it with knife take a piece and squeeze it in you mouth. Recall the memory of last time when you tasted a lemon..
Maybe your mouth is watering...
You will amazed to see how fast your subconscious mind reacts to the created imagination.

Visualization best Practices

 Exercise 4 (The House Recall)
  • Try to imagine your house or your room where you sleep.Or go out of your room, walk to the next room, or go to the bathroom, explore a bit try to remember every detail and come back. Now Sit down and recall it recall every detail that you watched before.
Visualization best Practices

Exercise 5 (Candle lit)
Take a candle
  • Burn a candle put it in front of you.
  •  look at for 1 min, now close your eyes and try to recall the exact image of candle try to watch it your Mind's eye. See how the flame of the candle is flickering and burning.when image fades try again do it for 10 min at the beginning.
Try to Playing a game in your Mind imagine differents things
See your house tree or flowers,a person,your loved one.

Peoples find it easy to  imagine a loved one image or a past memory scene.
 Peoples actually can imagining hear sense easily than sight sense and some peoples are actually good at tasting sense
People that are good in taste sense try to imagine delicious foods and taste it.
people that are good in hearing sense try imagining your favorite Songs,lyrics, sing it in your Mind play with it.

When your mind become strong enough then you can hold any image in your mind or you can create your fantasies 
this is rare ability,peoples with that ability are always immersed in their Fantasies.
  Here are the Problems Beginner may face
and their tips.
1: If you don't see any image in mind
, maybe you have aphantasia.
Tip: do above exercises and Induce trance state and give Affirmations, affirmations are given in The Trance Techniques article .
2:- If You see images but faint foggy and fades very quickly in matter of seconds. this is normal, do the above exercises, it will strengthen your mind's eye.
3:- When you imagine your eyes automatically opens or moves fast it is normal for beginners try gazing Meditations.
Here are some tips tricks might help
  • When watch at the sky and when recall the image of the sky feel that you are still looking at the sky.
  • If you find hard to visualize with first person perspective view its ok to imagine with third person perspective view.
  • When imagine try to move the images, we can imagine moving images easily than stopped image, as imagining an apple in hands you are seeing it rotating moving it slowly slowly.
  • Adding senses in visualization can help to maintain visualization,specially kinesthetic sense .
  • Too much movement of eyes can ruin visualization process and make you come back in physical from visualization .
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Spiritual Guide

Hi There,My Name Is Abdul Kareem There was a time in the past when my life totally changed.I decided that I would spend my life learning and Practicing spirituality. From then I started Meditation and entered in Spirituality۔ I was deeply influenced by Sufism in Spirituality. I,am Now Teaching Peoples about Meditation,Visualization,Lucid Dreaming,Astral Travel,and Occult Sciences. I am Sharing ancient Techniques with them .the exercises and meditations that I Did myself.

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