Spiritual Meditation For Beginners

Best Spiritual Meditation
What is spiritual meditation ?

All kinds of meditation has same goal, i have Shared here the best spiritual meditation, that is best and good for spirituality.

I suggest do it with your master or guru's permission 
Because what you feel,experience in any meditation,master understand that and can guide you what to do now.
 If you have not any master guru then do it also whatever you experience share with me through email.
This meditation involve visualization, beginners may find it a  bit hard don't worry, i have shared some tips that will help you a lot. After a month or so you will feel huge results.

How to meditate Spiritually for beginners
  •  Choose a outside place or your room is good too.
  • Sit cross-legged, position should comfortable enough so that you don't get distracted.
  • Remember back posture should be straight (it helps to remain awake and aware).
  • Your face should be toward the north (it is said the vibration energies comes from the north so it will boost your spirituality).
  • The best time to do at morning .
  • Note: Do these breathing meditations with empty stomach or 5 hours after meal.
  • Take a few deep breaths to settle down your Mind a bit.
  •  Inhale through your nose....hold for 5 sec and exhale through your mouth do these breath 5 to 10 times it is enough.
  • Now close your eyes Inhale through your nose when inhaling imagine a white bright light coming from the north entering through your nose and body and Root Energy center or heart center ..... hold your breath for 5 to 10 sec...
  • See the light is brightening with full potential.. after 10 sec or 15 Sec exhale through your mouth when exhaling..Imagine that white bright light going outside from your nose.. 
Do 15 breaths like that at the beginning.
At the beginning, breathing time should be like this inhaling 5 sec holding 10 and exhaling 5 sec..
After a week or so increase the breathing time inhaling and exhaling 10 sec holding time 20 to 40 and increase the time after week as 20 sec etc...
Problems and their Solution and Tips.
1: Beginners are initially confused about what light imagine the light bulb,moon light,sun light,or candle light .
They get confused and upset and no image comes in mind, so they leave it.This is actually the result of conscious resistance.
  • Solution: (first don't think about what light to imagine, Do not force the mind, leave the mind free, just focus on meditation and light, then whatever light comes in Mind )
2: Beginners may find hard to visualize, they try to see but no image comes in mind's eye.
  • Tip imagination doesn't mean to see in your minds eye but it means to feel that.
  • I give you a exp: think about an Red Apple think about his smoothness his freckles you will see an red apple image comes in the mind when you thought about it. mind works with thoughts, when you think about anything your mind create an image to understand itself because mind don't understand your language, subconscious understand imagination language.
  • When you think about your parents or your loved ones, if you observe you will see the images comes in mind's eye Without imagining, this is how our mind works.
  • If you don't see anything at all just feel the white bright light coming and entering in your body feel it.
Remember : Your Mind will do it's best to stop you. 
Thoughts come and go. Don't worry, thoughts will come and go.
Spiritual Meditation benefits..
There are many many benefits Physical and Spiritual but here i have Shared Spiritual benefits...
  • Balance energy centers.
  • Increase clarity and one pointedness.
  • Increase mind's eye,visualization powers.
  • Clear the mind's (thoughts).
  • Boost will power and confidence)
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Spiritual Guide

Hi There,My Name Is Abdul Kareem There was a time in the past when my life totally changed.I decided that I would spend my life learning and Practicing spirituality. From then I started Meditation and entered in Spirituality۔ I was deeply influenced by Sufism in Spirituality. I,am Now Teaching Peoples about Meditation,Visualization,Lucid Dreaming,Astral Travel,and Occult Sciences. I am Sharing ancient Techniques with them .the exercises and meditations that I Did myself.

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