What is Mind's Eye

( Mind's Eye )

Visualization Or Imagination 

When our eyes open, we receive information from five senses
Sight,smell,taste,Hear,Touch etc..We experience everything through five senses, but When our eyes closed and there is Silence, images and thoughts comes that appear to be within Our Mind'Eye. 
In our Mind's eye we "see" memories of past events, future situations, daydreams of what may be or might have been, dream of vividly textured happenings beyond the bounds of space and time. .

Similarly most people feel that they know a great deal about the outer world, the world beyond their body, and very little about the inner one. 
In our modern society, stimuli from the outside world have become so intense that people are constantly bombarded with a flood of visual and auditory stimuli on a daily, hourly basis. That they have to make a conscious effort to shutdown the outside world in order to be aware of their inner experiences.

What Is Mind's Eye

Close your eyes and imagine a red rose. You will see the image of a rose Somewhere in your Mind's eye.
The Minds eye in where we create day dreams Fantasies Through imagination imagery, people can invent a new reality. People can see themselves doing things that are impossible.

Through imagination, imagery a person can create his own Fantasy . A Flying Carpet, A Different New world, the Sky with two Suns, A tree with all fruits hanging, A Red rose tree (i Myself love to Create a beautiful Red Rose tree on which the big roses are hanging ) and Can Create amazing heaven and other images that don't exist in external reality.
What is impossible here.
A person can create someone they've never met, such as a Childhood imaginary playmate.

Importance of imagination
Imagination images can be the source of solutions to our problems. It has been observed that writers take help with imagery, seeing their characters acting in scenes. Painters see visual images in their minds, architects visualize buildings,and mathematicians see pictures of geometric shapes and surfaces in their visualization.
Daydream And Fantasy 
 Daydreams and fantasies are Made up of a combination of memory and imagination images .In a daydream peoples visualize different scenes, objects, and other people in ongoing situations. A simple example of such imagery is a man daydreaming about a boat he hopes to buy. He may picture
buying the boat, sailing it in the bay with friends, then trailering it home at the end of the day.

Daydreams may be past as well as future oriented. A person may imagine what he will do if a Certain Situation arises.
You could say that the images are part of an internal Continuum, As time and action become part of his imagery, a person tends to forget himself, to become engrossed. 

While people are absorbed in daydreams, they are less likely to analyze or separate themselves from their images. 
The daydream experience bears more similarity to events in external reality than memory images do, and a person is less likely to apprehend the experience as a visualization.
Daydreams helps to release peoples from the pressures of their everyday life.
Mind's Eye (Visualization) Benefits.
There Uncountable Benefits Of Imagination Here are Some Of them.
1:Visualization Can Strengthen your Mind's Eye.
2: Visualization Can Change your Life dramatically. 
3: Through Visualization you Can Heal Yourself Physically And Mentally.
4: Visualization can help in decision making.
5: You Can Use Visualization for Success 
6:  You Can Use Visualization for Sleep. 
7: You Can Use Visualization for Manifest.
8: You Can use Visualization to manifest goals. 
9: Through Visualization You Can deepen Your Meditative State.
10: Visualization Enhance Your Mental Clarity and Creativity.

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Most frequently Asked Question ...

What are visualization techniques ?

Can visualization make things happen ?
Well yes,everything you use in your daily life Inventions, Electronics etc.. are the result of a Visualization or Imagination there are thousands Stories of Law of Attraction in Where Peoples has shared their Success Stories.

Can visualization help in decision making ?
Yes it helps exp: Visualize yourself being in that Situation visualize if you did what, what could be the result.

Can visualization change your appearance ?
 Through law of attraction and with the help of constant imagination,and with best techniques.

Can visualization help with weight loss ?
yes many peoples has done it with correct Visualization techniques.

how visualization works in the brain ?
Subconscious Mind Controls our Brain, Body and Imagination Affects our Subconscious mind. 
Subconscious mind Can't differentiate Between imagination  Reality.
When visualization doesn't work?
Visualization Always works but with Correct techniques.

Spiritual Guide

Hi There,My Name Is Abdul Kareem There was a time in the past when my life totally changed.I decided that I would spend my life learning and Practicing spirituality. From then I started Meditation and entered in Spirituality۔ I was deeply influenced by Sufism in Spirituality. I,am Now Teaching Peoples about Meditation,Visualization,Lucid Dreaming,Astral Travel,and Occult Sciences. I am Sharing ancient Techniques with them .the exercises and meditations that I Did myself.

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