Lucid Dreams And Their Effects On Body Mind

Lucid dreams benefits

 How Dreams Affects On Our Body,Mind

The experiments and Experiences shows that, the events you experience while asleep and dreaming, produce effects on your brain,body, same as if you were to experiencing while awake. Studies and Experiments uphold this conclusion. When lucid dreamers try to hold their breaths or breathe fast in a dream, they really do hold their breaths . In short, for our brains,minds, doing something in a dream is like doing something real. This finding explains why dreams look so real. 

Scientists did experiment using EEG machines,eye movement and muscle tone monitors,with experiment that involved activities like singing and mental arithmetic within the actual lucid dream state, it was discovers that lucid dreams actions elicited the exact same neurological responses as action performed while awake.

Dreaming lucidly about doing something is not like imagining it, it is like actually doing it.

The potential benefits of this finding are profound. In the waking state, if we imagine happy scenarios,we usually only induce a slight increase in neurologically measurable happiness. But in the lucid dream state , however if we engage in an activity that brings us joy and happiness(whether it is flying,swimming,or anything) the synapses in the parts of the brain associated with happiness light up and release feel- good chemicals in exactly same way as if were experiencing these activities while awake .

For our brains dream experiences are as real to us as waking life ,if we want to improve our lives ,we should learn lucid reams to improve our lives.

The sexual activity in the dream causes the ejaculation of the real body.

In a dream, when we get a intense injury on any part of the body, we still feel pain on that part for some time after waking up. This is amazing ! these are normal dream we do not have any control over them.But In lucid dream we control things.

Let me tell you my experience , (In the past, i actually loved green nuts of the lotus vegetable. One day I had a dream. I was eating the seeds in a dream. Suddenly I did not like the taste of the nuts .i felt vomit like feeling, then i woke up and i felt the feeling for 1 min. 

 I saw same dream after few days and i felt same feeling . A few days later when I bought the green nuts and when I ate them believe me, I felt the same feeling i don't no why ? i thought , why i saw the same dream twice . Then I remembered that I actually had made up my mind that I would eat less green nuts or stop eating.)

Maybe that's why i saw the dream this is simple example how dreams affects on our body. it was just a simple dream but ,what an effect it would be if I lucid dreamed?.

In REM state or in lucid dream the two of our brain hemispheres starts to work and if we learn to lucid dream we can then program our minds for the positive purposes.

Whatever we do, experience in lucid dreams it effects our mind and body.
In real life when we learn new skills, or new things. Our brain create certain neural pathways of this and saves it.  Next time when we do the the same we don't feel too much excitement as we felt before and now our brain use the same pathways that he has saved.

As a newbie child learns cycle at the beginning he may falls and again he try cycle by doing it many times. His brain create neural pathways in the brain, so when he drive next time now his brain has created pathways already so he don't get difficulty while driving he make less mistakes.
Same  as when we lucid dream a new learner do something that he hasn't did in his life before. When he do, same as his brain starts to create the pathways. Remember our subconscious don't understand reality vs imagination.  So when a person do the same thing  in real life that he did in his lucid dream for his brain this thing is not new for him he already did it .

Exp : A person prepare himself for his future interview. He is worried about his interview, if he will go for interview physically there are less chances, because the situation is new for him . When he experience lucid dream and he rehearses Practice the situation, his interview . he know i'am dreaming he will give interview with confidence and his brain create the pathways create the memory and saves it. After waking up when he will go for interview in real life, he may feel some changes in his body he may feel confidence now. and now he give interview in front of his boss.Chances are he will be selected for job.

Through Lucid dreaming we can not only practice and Improve our skills But we  learn new skills quickly. 
 Sports person can rehears, practice and can improve their skills.Students can improve and practice for their exams. 

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How i came to lucid dreaming

Spiritual Guide

Hi There,My Name Is Abdul Kareem There was a time in the past when my life totally changed.I decided that I would spend my life learning and Practicing spirituality. From then I started Meditation and entered in Spirituality۔ I was deeply influenced by Sufism in Spirituality. I,am Now Teaching Peoples about Meditation,Visualization,Lucid Dreaming,Astral Travel,and Occult Sciences. I am Sharing ancient Techniques with them .the exercises and meditations that I Did myself.

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