How I Came to the Lucid Dreaming ?

How I Came to Lucid Dreaming.

I wasn't know about lucid dreaming before. I was a meditator spiritual practitioner at that time. Then i learned lucid dreaming.

 How i Came to this Here is the Story.

One morning i saw a dream, in the dream i saw myself at a place where i was with my brothers ,then i jumped and i was levitating flying, i thought oh ! how i can fly maybe i am dreaming. I shouted to my brothers hey look here i am flying i am dreaming, at that time i was very happy and then i woke up .

Later that day i thought about it, how do i know about dreaming it was amazing experience. I started searching about all over the internet and i found this is called lucid dreaming so i read it i was amazed it mean that was a lucid dream. 
I found best books about lucid dreaming and i started reading and learning. then i practiced one day a technique it is called WBTB. i did it and sleep i found my self in dream and suddenly i became lucid, Hurrah !   it was the same place where i saw a lucid dream before i shouted i am dreaming ,i am dreaming . 
I intended a power then where i fingered pointed to the walls the walls started cracking and then i came outside i started flying i saw the kids were playing in the ground. 
I shouted to them hey hey they looked at me moving their hands .
When I first fly i felt amazing feeling of happiness was on my face. I was constantly smiling all the time not because of lucid dreaming because i always loved flying.
Aah..How nice it is to fly freely in the blue sky. I was flying, cold air was blowing to my face.
I was flying then i saw houses i started flying to my village, where my dear grandparents lived . 
The lands was full of crops. when i reached my grandparents houses, I saw my late grandfather on the roof of the house.
He was looking straight, I hugged him. i was crying oh.I said to him, "Where have you gone? Why don't you come now?"
I told him show me where have you gone  where show me.  while i knew he was dead , he then fingered pointed ,where i saw a scene started appearing and then brother wakes me....  It was my first lucid dream later that day, i thought if my brother hadn't woken me up I might have seen the place.

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Spiritual Guide

Hi There,My Name Is Abdul Kareem There was a time in the past when my life totally changed.I decided that I would spend my life learning and Practicing spirituality. From then I started Meditation and entered in Spirituality۔ I was deeply influenced by Sufism in Spirituality. I,am Now Teaching Peoples about Meditation,Visualization,Lucid Dreaming,Astral Travel,and Occult Sciences. I am Sharing ancient Techniques with them .the exercises and meditations that I Did myself.

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