How to prolong lucid dream ?
Novices lucid dreamers face these problems .
When they become lucid in the dream the dream remain so short. Dream scene starts to fade, the environment becomes faint foggy, everything seems less vivid faint, and then the dream scenario becomes totally black out.
These are the two main problems to extending lucid dreams:
1: You may lose your lucid awareness
2: You may loose the dream itself.
Peoples may loose lucidity and the lucid dream becomes as normal dream .
People find it difficult to control things in their dreams, The dreaming mind does not follow your intentions.
Novices lucid dreamers often wake up the moment they become lucid. When They recognize lucidity clues, apply reality tests, and conclude that they are dreaming, but they frustrate because they wake up or fall into nonlucid sleep soon after achieving lucidity.
Remember, these problem are temporary. With experience,practices you can develop the capacity to stay in the dream longer. When you will become lucid in the dream. I have shared some best techniques,tips that help you to prevent premature awakening.
How to maintain your lucidity and remain lucid long time in the lucid dreams.
Well, how long people can lucid dream ?
You can say maybe 5 or 10 min at most. No People who have been lucid dreaming for years, they can experience lucid dream 30 min to 1 hour without loosing lucidity. Everything comes with practice,and time .
Here are the some of the best methods to prolong lucid dreams, boost lucidity and increase the lucid dream vividness.
1: Spining Method
( Used for Prevent Premature Awakening)
1: In the lucid dream, If you sense that the visual scenario of the dream is losing its integrity, spin your dream body with your eyes wide open,Spin like dervish. This brisk motion,sensation will cause your senses to be flooded in the lucid dream.
Spinning method can also be used to change dreams place to skip from dream to dream.
2: Catch Grab Method
( Used for Prevent Premature Awakening)
- When lucid dream starts to fade. Go and catch,Grab anything near you. If nothing is near, then grab, hold your body part your hand, your cloth etc.. This can trigger the dreaming mind to be in the dream scene ,because you are using your touch sense.
( I have found that when lucid dreams starts to fade starts to blackout you lose your sight sense first then others. The hearing and touch sense lasts until when the dream gets totally blackout).
- In lucid dream “you” are located in a close replica of your ordinary body. The feeling of dream body is same as your waking body. And you have dream hands, simply rub the skin of your dream body vigorously. As with spinning, the flood of sensory information will override the waking or dreamless sleep stimulus that is interrupting your lucid dream.
- Your dream objects may shift relatively rapidly as people, cars, and the background scenery itself. But your dream body and the ground upon which you are standing will tend to be more stable. It is also useful to maintain lucidity.
4: I'am Dreaming Affirmations Method
(Used for Maintain Lucidity,increase the vividness of the lucid dream)
- The most basic way maintain lucidity in dreams is to repeat to yourself frequently, “This is a dream,” or “I am dreaming.” Just keep reminding yourself. This will prevent you from getting bogged down in some dream detail, which can easily ruin your lucidity.
5: Five Senses Method
( Used for Maintain Lucidity,increase the vividness of the lucid dream )
Engage your five senses in lucid dream, use them. Five senses such as sight,smell,hear, taste,touch etc.. Go and touch things, that are near you, taste foods,smell the flowers roses,use your sight sense. See things but dont stare at them. engage yourself, use all of your senses.Some people actually move they can't stay still. If you have just awakened but yearn to return to in the lucid dream: “Lie very still, don’t move a muscle, Relax and wait. The dream will return.
- 1: Don't Stare at things in the lucid dream, this can end, and cause you to wake up from the lucid dream.
- 2: Engage yourself in the activites. Don't stop even for 1 or less. This can trigger your dreaming mind to end lucid dream.
- 3: Repeat the phrases like i am dreaming, this is a dreametc.. Remind yourself every 1 minute.
- 4: Do reality checks every 1 min. Reality checks helps to maintain vividness of the dream scene.